International understanding is that the RUN conductor (immaterial whether stranded or tubular conductors) is always in the horizontal plane and that the TP conductor (whether stranded or tubular conductor) is in the vertical plane

The K type cross clamp is specifically designed for use with a SOLID EQUIPMENT STUD and STRANDED CONDUCTORS. The K clamp is manufactured in compliance with the Eskom NWS 1671 specification, which specification calls for one half of the clamp having both the horizontal and vertical cross grooves smooth bored to suit 26 or 38mm dia equipment studs – with the other half of the clamp having the horizontal and vertical cross grooves either machined or cast serrated to suit stranded conductors of 16.3, 19.0, 21.0, 26.5 and 38.5mmdia. These are the standard Eskom stud and conductor diameters and the BME manufactured K clamps are manufactured to suit these stud and conductor sizes where in all instances the stud is normally classified as the tap side of the clamp, immaterial of whether the stud is vertically or horizontally mounted.

Where a standard K clamp is required to be used with either different conductor or stud sizes, the standard K clamp as manufactured by BME requires to be modified to suit these different stud/conductor sizes. This modification requires moulding pattern alterations and machining of both clamp base and covers to suit the required sizes. This machining operation is an added cost and in order to reduce these costs which require a modification to both the vertical and horizontal seating grooves on both halves of the K clamp, it is required that customers specify both the RUN size and the TAP size in each specific case, thus the machining modification will only be carried out on one groove of each half section of the clamp. Should the clamp require both the H and V cross grooves on both halves to be machined, this will be undertaken, but at an increased cost.