The Copyright of content of this website is owned by McWade Productions (Pty) Ltd and is protected by copyright law.
No copies may be made of any of the drawings, designs, photographs or specifications of the products featured on this site.
No products may be manufactured by third parties using the drawings, designs, photographs or specifications contained in this website, the PDF files provided or any copies thereof.
McWade Productions (Pty) Ltd. will make good, by repair or replacement (at our option) any defects which, under proper use, appear in the goods within a period of 12 months from the date after the goods have been delivered and which defects arise solely from faulty materials, workmanship or design.
A condition of repair or replacement is that we might require that defective parts be returned to us.
Accuracy of Information
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained on this website and in the PDF files are correct. McWade disclaims responsibility for any action, proceedings, liabilities, claims, damages, costs, losses and expenses in relation to or arising out of incorrect use of this information.
McWade reserves the right to make changes to the information provided from time to time as becomes necessary.